Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Everything!


Well, it's been too long again since I last updated this and so now I have my work cut out for me!! We had a fun Valentine's Day! Alivia got a fun new outfit from Grandma & Papa Taylor and she immediately wanted to wear it.
She then started showing off how she can "JUMP" SO BIG and so here are some pictures of her catching some "crazy" air!!!

Brian and I had agreed that our love was enough for Valentine's Day and so we weren't going to get each other anything... well he lied like lawyers (or wanna be lawyers) do and bought me some pretty flowers. He also bought Alivia her very own yellow rose which she LOVED! These pictures are hilarious of her because she had some weird swollen eye thing going on!
(No, we didn't beat her!!) So she looks funny in these pictures.

These were taken a few days before Valentine's and she didn't have her funky eye thing going on yet.

I "Made" the MOST amazingly gourmet Valentine's meal you could imagine. You're mouth should be salivating by now...
actually we ordered a cute heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's, ate it in candlelight, and I wrote cute messages to Brian and Alivia on the paper heart tablecloth. It was a lot of fun and best of all.... EASY!!!
Alivia thought it was great to eat with candlelight!

Alivia is always up to something!!! One day I heard the shower on in the bathroom. I was walking in and found Alivia soaking wet!! She decided to turn on the water and got soaking wet!! She knew she was in trouble!! (silly girl)

If any of you know Alivia well then you know what a light sleeper she is. Even when she was a tiny newborn we couldn't peek in on her or else we'd wake her up!!! (Even as small as when she slept in her bassinet!) Now, part of that could have been our squeaky floors back in Sandy but it's still hard to catch our little girl sleeping without waking her. So.... one morning she was actually asleep still when I woke up to send Brian off to school and was able to get a picture of our adorable "Stink Bug"!!!!
That's what we call her when she's sleeping because she sticks her bum up in the air when she sleeps! It cracks me up!

Alivia decided that she wanted to "ice skate" the other day! She remembers her cousin "Little Maddy" ice skating over Christmas break and so she stood on these blocks and said, "Look Mom, I'm ice skating like Maddy does!"
She LOVES all of her little cousins and we talk about ALL of them often!

Brian and I don't have cell phones and so we Instant Message (IM) each other when we need to get a hold of each other at school. Occasionally I'll email him pictures of what Alivia has been up to. Well, one night I told him that I was going to email him a "Special" pictures of me that would hopefully convince him to come home right a way and spend some "quality" time with me!




I just don't get it!!!
He didn't come running home! I put on my best "special" smile but he just didn't seem too impressed!
he he he
Brian and I are always doing silly things like that!

Here's Alivia rubbing Daddy's back after a long day at school!
She was wearing her "backpack" too!

I've tried to plant a few gardens in the past and have always wanted to try to grow them from seeds but never have. So this year I remembered and Alivia and I planted some seeds (peas, corn, zucchini, pumpkin, green onion, cilantro, & more). We had so much fun!! We planted these several weeks ago and now they have grown several inches! I'll have to put an updated picture up later of our horticulture progress!!

I explained to Alivia that the seeds would eventually grow "bigger and bigger" just like her!
She sat right down next to them and was watching and waiting for them to grow!

It's been getting warmer and so that means more time outside!
Alivia was riding her scooter on our back patio when she decided to try something new!
She came up to me and said, "Mom, I put dirt on my scooter!" I thought, "Oh, she probably just put some on where she stands from her shoes or something." Well, she decided to fill up her little pouch full of dirt! In fact, I think it's still in there!

She's getting pretty good at riding her scooter and she just learned how to pedal her bike!

One of Alivia's other favorite things to do is color with sidewalk chalk. I was cleaning the kitchen and watching her draw when she had me come outside to see what she had drawn.
She was drawing "peoples" all by herself, complete with heads, legs, and arms coming out of the heads, even hands, feet, and faces! This made me chuckle so much and so I had to take a picture! She said that she drew Mommy, Daddy & Alivia!

This purple one is me.
She took special care in drawing my lips!

She even wrote the letter "A" for Alivia all by herself!
This blew me away!

Many of you may not know Brian's sister Michelle! She and her husband are quite the party-rs!!! In fact they shared what their plans were for spring break!
Where would you go for spring break if you could choose?

These crazy people chose the one, the only,

(The sad part is that they claim that they had a great time!)

I know we did!! They just weren't here long enough!

Brian especially loved it because we ate better with them here!

I made a mighty fine roast, complete with potatoes, carrots and asparagus!!

I realize I'm a dork posting pictures of Sunday dinner but I was just so proud of myself!
he he he
Michelle and Eric brought an Easter gift to Alivia that my mom sent for her!
She LOVED it!
She got an Easter dress with a matching doll dress!

She enjoyed washing her "stinky feet" in the bath with her new bath toy!

Michelle spoiled her with attention while she read her her new Cinderella book!

We went to a FUN restaurant just outside of Kansas City called T-Rex!
The food was delicious and the atmosphere fun! The rumor is that the guy that came up with the Rainforest Cafe's also made up this one! It was too much fun!

Alivia tried on shoes with "Aunt Shell!"

While Brian and Eric......

well, you try to guess!
Michelle and Eric, thanks for coming to visit!!! We had a ball and we were so happy to have you guys here!

For Easter our ward had an Easter breakfast and Easter egg hunt!

She always LOVES to see her ward friends and gets so excited and LOUD when she sees them!

Some of the law students had a really fun Easter party too! Here's Alivia doing a relay race "balancing" her egg on a spoon!

On your mark, get set....



Notice all the cracks in it! he he he

Finally, the poor egg had had enough and decided that it was going to burst!
Alivia was so bummed and concerned that she had hurt it!
It was so funny!

Alivia let me put curlers in her hair last night and so she had gorgeous curly hair that bounced at church today!
She was so proud that her baby "Abby" matched her and we let her take Abby to sacrament meeting!

Our Darling Girl!

Our Silly Girl!
There is never a dull moment with Alivia around!

So what's new with us? Well, the week before Spring break our basement decided to have a bit of a flood! But thanks to great friends and many hours of work we got it cleaned up. It really wasn't as bad as it could have been and so we feel very fortunate. A drain got clogged and caused our storm water to seep up into the foundation of the basement. We have had a big rain storm since and stayed dry!!! Hurray!

I'm still working part time as a home health nurse and I can truly say that I like it! It's great to get out and visit people one on one and get to see some sunlight! I'm now working about 20+ hours a week and so that 's keeping me busy but it's good because now I can have some medical benefits!! Hurray again!!

Brian is getting ready to start back to school tomorrow! He rode his bike there the other day and got a good workout. He thinks he'll try to do it more as the weather permits!

It's starting to get warmer here!!! The other day Brian surprised me by fixing my flat tire on my cruiser bike!! Thanks again babe!

Alivia is growing and growing and keeps getting smarter and smarter! I can't believe that she'll be three years old in July! Speaking of summer, we're planning on buys season tickets to Worlds of Fun again this year! I know we're nuts but that's what makes us so much fun!

For those of you who don't know I have a hobby of couponing! I am now teaching a few friends here how to make their dollar stretch a bit further too! I've added a few links on the right side of the blog to a few of my favorite money saving sites! I know I'm crazy but that's okay!

We hope all of you are doing well and would love to hear how you're doing! We love you all!

Brian, Allyson & Alivia!